Monday, January 22, 2007

Road Bump

Well I got a call from Kearns today and they are willing to sell the Van. "Chubs" (that's what they call him there) even threw a price at me, 4500. First thought was "are you nuts." So I started asking the usual questions you would ask if you were going to buy a vehicle. I asked him what the make and model is. And that's where we really started having problems. He said "humm I'll have to look into that." My question is how can you get a price for something if you don't know what it is. Well anyway the phone cut out then and I called back later at 5pm and he wasn't there. So I have to wait till Wednesday to talk to him again. All this hassle for a confiscated drug van. I wonder if there is any secret money stashes in there the cops missed.


1 comment:

sf said...

Stop by my blog --- you are a weener!
(In a good way)